Implementing Oracle Integration Cloud

Understanding Integration Cloud and how to get the most out of your implementation

ICS Connection Agent on Windows?

We have seen the question a number of times (such as here) regarding whether or not the ICS Connection agent or (Execurtion) Worker Agent can run on Windows. Presently when establishing an agent ICS provides a Bash shell executable (BSX) file.

We’ve not heard any suggestion this is likely to change – but when you consider that the Agent is essentially a WebLogic server with parts of ICS incorporated into it. You can see that from a production perspective, demand for Windows support isn’t going to be huge.

That said, when researching, testing, developing and testing a lot of people do use a Windows platform. So being able to use the agent is attractive.  So what options are available for a Windows environment?

Oracle Messaging Cloud Service (OMCS) on Trial

This post provides a fairly detailed introduction to registering and creating a trial instance of Oracle Messaging Cloud Service. We have written this as in our book Introducing Oracle Integration Cloud Service (ICS) we use Oracle Messaging Cloud  Service(OMCS) in chapter 8 to illustrate message based integration outside  of ICS. Whist we describe the process for OMCS, the mechanics are similar for a number of the iPaaS offerings from Oracle including ICS, PCS but not SOA CS as this is a far more complex product and the fee charging structure is rather different.

In the screenshots of the process that follows, we have blurred out key credentials, this is purely for personal security reasons.

The first step is to create the trial of OMCS, to do this you need an Oracle account. This can be done from the main Oracle site. If you already have an account with Oracle Technology Network (OTN) or Oracle community then you are already sorted as Oracle operates a single sign on.

ICS Coverage at Open World 2016

With Oracle Open World (OOW16) in San Francisco only a month away now – the agenda  appears to be all sorted out, and ICS has several sessions dedicated or including it, so we thought it might be worth highlighting them here:

In addition Robert is also presenting at Open World on a related subject of SOA CS – Top Tips for Mastering Oracle SOA Cloud Service [UGF1450]

ICS Book Contents

As we close in on the completion of the book, we can start to share lots more details about what the book covers, the resources you might find helpful to go with the book examples. So here are the books contents …

  • Part 1 – Setting the Scene
    • Preface
    • Chapter 1 – Introducing the concepts and terminology
  • Part 2 – Implementing your first integrations
    • Chapter 2 – Integrating your first two applications
    • Chapter 3 – Distributed messaging using publish and subscribe model
    • Chapter 4 – Integration between SaaS applications
    • Chapter 5 – Going Social with Twitter & Google Mail
  • Part 3 – Making More advanced Integrations
    • Chapter 6 – Creating Complex Transforms
    • Chapter 7 – Conditional Routing and Filtering
    • Chapter 8 – Publish & Subscribe with external applications
    • Chapter 9 – Managed file transfers with scheduling
    • Chapter 10 – Advanced orchestration with branching and asynchronous flows
    • Chapter 11 – Calling an on-premise API
  • Part 4 – Managing your Cloud
    • Chapter 12 – Are my integrations running fine, and what if they aren’t?
    • Chapter 13 – Where can I go from here?


Digital Impact Conversation & Podcast

The Linkedin group Digital Impact Conversation in conjunction with their podcast Digital Impact Radio available on SoundCloud cover a number of areas in the Oracle (i)PaaS space including ICS, which to date has appeared in the following episodes:

Each podcast is pretty short and sweet.

Public FTP Services that could be used with Chapter 9

In chapter 9 of the book we work through a number of examples of using ICS with FTP.  If you don’t have a web provider that already offers you an FTP server to use you, we’ve found a few services you might consider using. We provide no guarantees for their trustworthiness and reliability. But they maybe sufficient to enable to run the scenarios described in the book:

The alternate option is to exploit the fact that website hosting compaies usually provide FTP access to upload content. Here are a couple of options:

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